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Get a MySiteMalixi chat box your website letting your visitors leave messages or chat with each other.
MySiteMalixi chat box gives your website an edge over the rest. It attracts visitors and keeps them coming back for more. It gives people with common interests a place to meet and chat – right on your own website!
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  How do I get my Web site content listed in the major search engines?
To get your Web site page(s) listed in the Internet's leading search engines, you can submit the applicable URL(s) directly to the search engines in question, thus ensuring that the search engines' spiders will visit, review and consider the page(s) for indexation next time they crawl the Web. Most search engines unleash their spiders once a month. If external pages link to page(s) on your Web site, the spiders most likely will find and visit your Web site anyway. Direct submission, however, might speed up the process.
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MySiteMalixi Search Engine Optimization and Submission Tool facilitates the search engine submission process by providing automated submission to dozens of leading search engines and Web directories, as well as enabling quick, manual submission to more than 200 other engines and directories, including regional and blog-specific engines.
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  MySiteMalixi Search Engine Optimization further helps you position your Web page(s) for top search engine rankings by providing a broad selection of advanced search engine optimization.
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  Prepare your sites so that the search engines can find them!
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  Get your Plan Feature per year!!!
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